Special post allowance extraneous duties allowance ( supplementary duties) 特别职位津贴(特职津贴)
Comrade Ma is a senior journalist and acquired the government special allowance. 政府特殊津贴获得者职称为高级记者,享受政府特殊津贴。
Professor level senior engineer, expert with State Department special allowance. 教授级高工,享受国务院特殊津贴专家。
He is also the director of China Artists Association, Vice-chairman of China Gongbi Painting Association, and an expert who enjoys the special allowance. 中国美术家协会理事,中国工笔画会副会长,享受国务院特殊津贴专家。
He is a specialist receiving a special State allowance. 他是享受国家级特殊津贴的专家。
Because my mother always work hard, today from the company received a special allowance, finally we owed money to pay off. 因为妈妈一直勤奋工作,今天从公司得到了一笔特别津贴,我们终于把所欠的钱都还清了。
The center recruited a batch of specialists who enjoy the State Council Special Allowance, national famous doctors, and youth professors with special skills, chief physicians. 中心礼聘一批享受国务院特殊津贴专家、家级名老中医及学有专长的中青年教授、任医师加盟。
Mr Lin believes that politicians will have to deal with the fall-out from the special allowance legacy in campaigns for years to come. 林峰正相信,接下来几年,政界人士将不得不应付特别费遗留问题。
People on low incomes may qualify for a special allowance. 低收入者有资格领取一笔特殊津贴。
People, usually those taking official trips abroad, were given a special allowance to have suits tailor-made. 到国外公干出差的人可获得订做西服的特别津贴。
The information raises the pressure on prosecutors who are probing Mr Ma's use of his mayoral special allowance and will have to decide whether to indict him on graft charges. 台湾检调人员正在调查马英九市长特别费的使用问题。上述消息增加了他们的压力,将迫使他们决定是否以贪污罪名起诉马英九。
The government of Malawi has stopped paying a special allowance to civil servants with HIV because it says they are spending the money on beer and prostitutes. 马拉维政府停止向携带HIV病毒的公务员发放特殊津贴,因为政府称他们将这笔钱用于啤酒和妓女。
Li Duo, alias Qing Huai, another name Shi Long; he is a contemporary China renowned calligrapher, and enjoys the special national allowance. 号青槐,字仕龙,当代中国著名书法家,享受国家特殊津贴。
Grantee of the special state allowance 国家级特殊津贴领取者
Mr Ma is on trial for allegedly embezzling a mayoral special allowance and has vowed to remain in the race even if found guilty. 马英九正因涉嫌挪用市长特别费接受调查并且他已经发誓即使获罪也将继续参选。
He is a national important contribution expert and is granted a Special Allowance from the State Council. 国家级有突出贡献专家,国务院特殊津贴获得者。
The special design of anode can make the transition possible from convective heat transfer state of cooling water to its high-efficiency boiling heat transfer state so that allowance power dissipation density of anode is greatly increased. 指出通过阳极的特殊设计可以把冷却水的对流换热状态过渡到高效率的沸腾换热状态,大大提高了阳极允许功率耗散密度。
Social security in communities includes relief, special care allowance, medical insurance, old-age pension unemployment insurance and social welfare. 社区社会保障主要有社会救济、医疗保险、养老保险、失业保险和社会福利等内容。
After the reform, the company carries out the laborage system of the post benefit in different grades; the main contents are made up of base pay, post pay, performance encouragement and special allowance. 改革后公司实行岗位效益等级工资制度,其内容主要由基本工资、岗位工资、绩效奖励和特殊津贴所组成。
This Paper analyzed the modes of internal distribution system and some cases of its reform, and put forward some viewpoints on the issues of adjusting "discrepancy in distribution between colleges", and of rationalizing" special post allowance ". 在对高校分配制度模式及高校分配制度改革案例分析的基础上,着重对调适高校内部学院之间分配差距与特殊岗位津贴合理化设置问题提出若干观点。
On establishing the special allowance in the major military operation and dealing with the emergency a research on funds support in the flood-fighting 关于建立军队重大军事行动、抢险救灾特殊津贴的研究抗洪抢险经费保障的特点及对策
The special allowance should be given to the cities which are lack of resources; 对资源枯竭型城市给予专项补贴;
He is also an expert with State Council special allowance for his outstanding contributions. 是享受国务院特殊津贴的有突出贡献的专家。
Regardless of what type of farmers, government should come up as part of land revenue funds to establish special allowance from land revenue to promote the development of New Rural Pension Insurance construction. 不论哪种性质和类型的农民,在土地流转参与社会保障的建设中,政府应拿出土地收益的一部分资金建立新农保土地收益专项补助金。
To improve the remuneration levels of counselors, in the post allowance, special work allowance, recognition awards, etc. give it preferential treatment to improve all aspects of the conditions that eliminate the counselor to worry about. 提高辅导员的薪酬水平,在岗位津贴、特殊工作津贴、表彰奖励等方面给予倾斜,改善各方面的条件,消除辅导员的后顾之忧。
First listed several mainstream academic point of view, mainly list several employment security systems, special relief system, general assistance system, unemployment insurance system, mutual insurance theory, social allowance system. 首先列举几种主流的学术观点,主要有特殊救济说、一般救助说、失业保险学说、互助保险说、社会津贴说。